Whom we supported!
- Establishment of the Louis Armstrong statue in the Garden of the Hotel (2004)
- Since 2004, annually organize and conduct the Louis Armstrong Jazz Festival
- Making and maintaining the website of the Jazz Festival www.jazzfesztival.hu
- Handover of the Louis Armstrong Memorial Prize and Memorial Plaque. Each year, two prizes from the festival will be selected based on the decision of the Board of Trustees.
- Contributing to the release of Jazz Steps
- Supporting the release of the Louis Armstrong CD by Hot Jazz Band
- Support for the Melody Big Band – a young band from Debrecen
- Organizing the exhibition of János Eifert’s photographer (2007, 2010) website: www.eifert.hu
- Supporting the release of Easy Jazz Band CD
- Releasing a DVD about the best of the Louis Armstrong Jazz Festival (2010)
- In 2010, the Board of Trustees visit New York to research Louis Armstrong’s work. Visiting Joe Murányi, Louis Armstrong’s last living (Hungarian-born) companion musician.
- Preparation and operation the website of Ilona Béres actress www.beresilona.hu
- Organizing the exhibition of “Jazz Moods” by Gábor Walter painter (2010), the opening speech of the exhibition was held by Sándor Benkó, leader of the Benkó Dixieland Band
- An interactive photo exhibition of the best photographs of the Louis Armstrong Jazz Festival (2011)
- Zoltán Kárpáti: Jazz Impressions exclusive photo album (2012)